What tiles should I use in a wet room?

Careful consideration should be given when choosing tiles for a wet room. With the floor of a wet room being used like a shower tray, it is important to think about how slippery the floor could get. With this in mind we recommend that the tiles for the floor of a wet room should have a high anti slip rating.

Anti slip ratings on floor tiles are shown as an ‘R’ value. The ‘R’ stands for ‘Ramp Test’ and goes from R9 - R13. R9 has a small degree of slip resistance whereas R13 has the highest slip resistance. For wetroom floors we would recommend looking for tiles that have an R rating of 11 or higher. If you are unsure or need any help why not speak to our friendly Customer Service team on 01473 805959 who will be able to advise you on which tiles are suitable.